Entries by Jennifer Rubli

The PASS Project

In 2019, Femme International collaborated with LUCSUS and the National Instititute for Medical Research to conduct the first ever menstrual cup study on adults. Not only that, but by collaborating with our long-time partner NGO Give a Heart to Africa, we were able to recruit women who had been using the cup for years, making […]

Reflections on moving menstruation from hygiene to health

Menstrual Hygiene Day, my bloody favourite day of the year. I’m Jen Rubli, and I work as the Research and M&E Coordinator for Femme International, a role I’ve had since 2013. We’re a menstrual health NGO in East Africa. Our work focuses on community- and education-based strategies to expand access to menstrual resources whilst tackling […]

International Women’s Day: #balanceforbetter

Addressing menstruation is a key component to achieving that gender balance, equality, and equity at every level of society. Why? Because menstruation is too often a barrier. It casts people as dirty or contaminated and places restrictions upon them which excludes them from fully participating in their daily lives. It is an extra financial burden […]